DC Valley Hunter's Southern Comfort CD MH NAJ VC

Sunday, December 27, 2009

On the road to Spur

I arrived at Phil's place last night, only to discover that Verizon has ZERO coverage around his house, so updates and pictures had to wait until we got back to civilization!
Phil and Carole's place is awesome! For anyone with dogs and horses, its hard to imagine a piece of property better suited for them. Plenty of room to run dogs and simply a gorgeous piece of land.
We hung out last night and ate a nice dinner that Carole fixed up for us. A couple of their neighbors came by to show off a 6 point buck they had shot at the back of the property. I'll post a pic of that. First time I've seen a deer that wasn't alive or dead by the side of the road. The eyes are a little freaky - as they're showing it off and moving the head around, I half expected it to get up on its own. Maybe I've watched that scene in Tommy Boy too much. :)

We had a little bit of concern this morning - we're an hour into the trip when Phil realizes that he had left the camper keys in his truck at home - the camper where we'll be staying all week. UGH. We started to turn around and go back, when I had an idea - snip the locks off the back ramp to the camper and get in that way. It didn't take much thought to realize that the cost of 2 locks and a bolt cutter were worth not adding 2 hours to an already LONG trip!
Anyway - we're on the road!

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